
  • poetry pt i. “to be”

    you do not have to look a certain way to be who you are, you do not need to wear a fur lined coat and drink tea out of clear glass mugs. you do not need to wear shoes that hurt your feet nor do you need to smell like hydrangeas on a rainy spring…

  • on copy-cats

    ive been thinking about copy-cats. literature today is a landmine of the same work released over and over again for publication, and, as a society, we engage with the same ideas over and over again with the same amount of fervor. media today mimics the last viral video, and the first viral video was made…

  • on being a normal person

    what does it mean to be normal? the word itself is subjective in nature, and the existence of the word suggests there are people who are not normal, and that there is a sort-of ‘control group’ to humanity retrospectively. but is there really such thing as extraordinary? i recently read ‘normal people’ by sally rooney…

  • on defining the self

    i define myself on whims; on my fleeting emotions during a particularly sad movie, the smell of my shampoo, the clothes on my back. but mostly, i define myself through the things that i love. the feelings that i feel most. sometimes, this can become a real issue. what happens when one of those things…

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